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//ChiQah Leyz
isskk ! tak sukaa
Monday 19 March 2012 • 00:11 • 0 comments

ollaa peeps ! HAHA' this story not important lar ;D

td d skull kami ad kelas lanjutan bha AKAUN  , jd cekgu pesan jgn dulu balekk
cekgu ad hal skjp , nnt cekgu dtg balekk , gilaakk ny smua kluar kelas , ntah p mna siakk durank-2
smpi baccat K.kelas kamik mirwan , jd aq pun pegal juak durank keluar-2 kelass ,
aq sma c tikod p lar , d dpn pintu tgok-2 urank-2 ,

sekali ny kamik ketawa-2 siakk , dtg cekgu , "ap kamo bwd berdiri d cnie masukk! "
weiinnaaa , laju ny smua masukk , mauk tauk kha cekgu kta ap ?
"ou bginie rupa ny kamo yar ? ndada cekgu bejln-2 , pikir kamo nie pndai kha sa ,
 ndak mauk buka buku ?"

sekali ny aq sma c tikod d pnggil , penjaga pintu , aishhh ! PENJAGA PINTU ?
ou tidakkkk ! aq tak sukaa , gillaa ny ! yess etu sy bangkang ! huh !

xoxo, The Shining Star

Le Blogger

*hyee , my name leyz , i give big smile for eu coz visit my blog , plase respect me , i will respect eu . do not COPY PIG in here ukee ! don't forget to clik button FOLLOW heeee , terimas :D *

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Edited : leyz
Others: weheartit