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//ChiQah Leyz
tak paham !
Sunday 11 March 2012 • 06:57 • 0 comments

ukee , see pict kat atass thu ? kamoo paam kn ap erti L O V E ?
ukee saya maukk isytihar kn bahawa saya tak pernah beLOVE-2 nie , tak caya ?
tak caya ?saya pun tak caya ? tp reality ny cm thu lar , ap bezz ny LOVE yarr ? aq tak prnah alami 
kejadian thu larr weii , yarr surely tak pernahh , bnykk , urank tak pecaya aq singlee , bheeee
tp kn , urank pernah lalui nie kn , bnyk kejadiann yg melucu kn lar , speacially arround of my friend
hahhahaha , ad satu c kawann nie , balekk-2 mnangiss , terasa cess , suryy but ini reality ,
ad yg marah-2 smbil hilangg mood ,
 terasa cess ,suryy but ini reality , aisshhh macam-2 ad bha , heran saya huhuh !
 ad plakk urank kata bosann single ,, aq yg langsung tak pernah COUPLE pun ndak
 juak bosann ,aiii , ini lar , urank-2 yg cm asshole !

tp dalamm , FB nie bnyk plakk urankk mauk mnx COUPLE ma saya ,
aiii , ap brg dpt COUPLE dlm FB , takk maen lar broo ! bkn pandangg pertama sa thu ,
hahahaah ! saya maukk lelaki yg btul-2 jtuh hati sma aq , semngadd lar plakk
hhahahaah , sbenar ny ad juak satu sebab aq tak beCOUPLE , yar abg khu marahh ,
ou yeahhh , smpi-2 d larang ny aq behenset , ndak kao pegal d ctuh !
huh dye kata tggu aq lepass SPM , lw aq sa keluar dri TAWAU nie , bru bule behenset , isskk-2

#ea smpi skrng saya maC jomblo#

xoxo, The Shining Star

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*hyee , my name leyz , i give big smile for eu coz visit my blog , plase respect me , i will respect eu . do not COPY PIG in here ukee ! don't forget to clik button FOLLOW heeee , terimas :D *

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Edited : leyz
Others: weheartit